
A very warm welcome!

Thanks for visiting this, my second blog! You can visit Heart and Soil to see what I get up to on our 40 odd acres of land in Exmoor, basketry, crafts and general things and stuff.

I thought I would start this blog off by doing a day by day diary of my 2008 solitary retreat. You can find my posts on the preparation for this retreat over at Heart and Soil on this link:

Many people have said to me that they wish they could do a solitary retreat, because 'they really need one'. That's why I decided to share one of my retreat experiences, to hopefully make going on retreat alone, a bit less mysterious and a bit more 'doable'.

Offered with much love for your continued happiness!

Solitary Retreat Diary

Please remember that in order for the diary section of this blog to make sense you should start from Day 1 and work your way through. At the moment the best way to do this is by using the labels list on the right.

I will compile a links list to make this easier when I have posted the last day... and when I have a minute!


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Day 13 - The Last Day

"To see clearly, to see things as they are, free from illusion, is the goal of spiritual practise."
-Andrew Cohen. (Embracing Heaven and Earth, p.55)

Got up early this morning & enjoyed a beautiful stretch in the fresh sunny (!!!) air.  I've cleaned the cottage thoroughly.  The environment  you enter into is important to help condition the mind for good practice.  I'm not saying you need a clean house to be happy!  What I have a strong sense about is that when you arrive somewhere new, to embark on something challenging, you want a warm welcome & a clean house.  Order.

If my other half reads this he'll laugh himself off his chair! 

There's the jets... That's my cue to leave.


Some things I'll miss from this place...

My bed.  Many wonderful dreams and fears played out here. 

My desk.  Where I wrote this diary, mostly.  A spot with energy in it.  I'll also miss the squeaky chair.  :)

The conservatory.  Wonderful spot.  Lots of knitting and meditating, gazing and writing happened in here.

Goodbye little cottage.    :)

The path home.

I'll miss me.  The hen that was at the cottage.  I know in my heart that no matter how much I try, when I get home I'll forget about what I felt and became here.  Not completely, but enough to make it important I come again.  Crucial in fact.

“…can you nail down a cloud in the sky or tie them up with rope?” 
-Zen Master About truth.

Thank you for sharing my retreat with me.  I hope it has gone some way to helping you take the steps towards doing your own retreat.  Please get in touch if you have anything that you want to discuss.  

Soon I'll write a wee bit about how this retreat affected me in the days and months after going home.  I'll also gradually put up the diary from my first ever solitary retreat.  It was nerve wracking but one of the most incredible experiences of my life.  Never been the same since.

Wishing you happiness always,


Wendy said...

Hello, Hen. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. I'm Wendy. Does this space belong to your family or to an entity that makes it available to others for retreat? It looks so beautiful -- I'd like to come there. I'm at:
Please write!

Probably the best blog in the world said...

Im staying there next week on a solitary. cheers for posting your thoughts and photos.

Beth x

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