Got an insight into the non-linear nature of existence in this mornings sit. How it's all connected and why it is important I practice . The Bodhisattva ideal is the way.
Which is nice.
As I said the other day, anger, hatred, attachments... exactly what am I directing them to? A bundle of atoms and expressions of the effects of causes that are so infinite as to be indefinable. There's not one bit that can be grasped on to in order to direct the anger, hatred, fear, attachments. So the feelings dissipate.
Personally I think this mornings sit was so productive because I was wearing my horny head bag.
Funny faces are great! I took a couple of photos last night of me wearing my new hat. As today is an insightful day, while I was looking at the photos I saw the four stages of hen... I haven't laughed so much for ages! I nearly wet myself, tears, actual tears running down my face. Love it!
I am here in dependance upon 'others'. Well, 'others' is not a satisfactory term. Any kindness shown to me, benefits all beings. Any kindness I show, benefits all beings.
The causes that led to me being sat on this seat are infinite. We are all connected. Everything is connected. All things really do arise in dependance of a cause.
I suppose in order to carry that wisdom with me throughout everyday life I will need to practice as much as I can so it becomes habitual.
I read a bit more of 'What is the Dharma' by Sangharakshita it is so well written. Very readable and friendly. I think I am beginning to understand a little about Buddhism. With the help of that book, my retreat experiences and my nature. I think I am finally getting it.
It is really quite important that I join a Sangha and get stuck in.
I saw a stoat today. I think it was a stoat. Beautiful, quite slinky and small. I startled him. There is a beautiful cow asleep on a grassy mound. Curled up like a dog, her head resting on the ground, fast asleep in the sunny rain.
It's not right how much I love Boursin.
I love the idea of this retreat, although I am not very good at conventional meditation...too much brain chatter... I have, in the last six months though, started on the Holosync program which I am finding hugely beneficial and the idea of slipping away for a couple of weeks on my own sounds heaven. Would you do it again? BTW love your other blog too!
Hello Sarah,
I'm not very good at meditation either, that's why I'm practicing so much. I reckon that when you have no brain chatter, you're pretty much enlightened!
I've never heard of the Holosync program, what's that?
This solitary retreat was my second one and I've attended many group (Buddhist) retreats. I crave solitary retreats now I've been and think about it often. I think I will go on one this year, for maybe a month this time. It's hard to get someone to look after my dog for that long though, so it'll take some planning!
Right, i'm off to explore your blog Sarah! Good to meet you!
Great post. I've tried meditation as well, and it is rather difficult. But the few times I "got" through the process without the brain chatter was well worth it. You've reminded me to get back to it. Much needed since I started blogging. I love information and it can "overflow" and clog up the mind quickly.
P.S. Enjoyed Willow on your other blog:)
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